Chapter One: Upgrade Skills of Your Sales Staff
* Benefits of Sales Training: (Strategic vs. Technique) 11
* Formal Training Makes All The Difference 13
* Increasing Sales Skills Levels 14
* Take Action and Take Control 16
* Increasing Sales Skills Levels – Vision Success Weekend 18
Chapter Two: Qualify and Pre-Frame
* Qualifying Leads Up Front and Pre-framing Your Customers 31
* Getting Leads From Your Competitors 36
* Getting Vendors to Generate Leads for You 36
* Lead Generation and Conversion 37
* Pre-frame or Program Customers to Buy More and More Often 39
* Give “TFN” Selling a Try 43
* Pre-framing or Programming Customers 45
* Use “Reasons Why” in Pre-Framing 48
* A Wish, a Hope, and a Goal for Your Customers 49
* Programming is Meeting Needs Systematically 50
* Future Pacing Takes the Customer Forward 52
* Offer Products or Services On a Timetable 56
* Acquiring Qualified Lists 57
* Know Your Target Market 57
* Ways To Create Irresistible Offers 67
Chapter Three: POS, Cross-Sell, Up-Sell
* Point of Sale Promotions, Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 71
* The Strategy of Up-Sell, Cross-Sell is Based on Preeminence and Optimization 71
* Up-Selling Should Be at the Top of Your List 74
* Any Business Can Up-sell 75
* Up-Selling Produces Exponential Returns 76
* Up-selling Refers to Any Additional Sales Activity You Do at the Point of Sale 77
* You Can Employ Up-selling Anywhere, Anytime in the Sales Process 78
* Packaging Complementary Products Together 80
* Larger Units of Purchase 83
* Don’t Be Afraid of the Bump 84
* Add Value When You Up-Sell and Cross-Sell 85
* Bundle Products or Services 87
* Sell ‘Em What They Want 87
* Page 4
* Use Point of Sale Promotions 89
* Offer “Good, Better, Best” Options 90
* Use Volume Discounts 91
* Never Sell Them Less Than They Need! 91
* Up-Selling Will Help You Grow 92
* Up-sell Or Resell Right At, Or Immediately After, The Initial Sale 94
* Fast Cash Boosters Up-Sell 94
* Use This Script To Up-sell Your Customers Like Crazy 95
* Two-Step Selling 96
Chapter Four: Enhancing Profits with Telemarketing
* Grow Your Customer Base and Increase Transaction Frequency by Using Telemarketing 113
* Using Telemarketing To Boost Your Profits 113
* Maximize Telemarketing With Frequency and Consistency 118
* Telephone Selling Behind Sales Letters 119
* Never Rule Out Telemarketing 120
* Meld Telemarketing To Your Operation 120
* Uses and Applications for Telemarketing 121
* Re-Examine Your Pricing 124
* Organize Your Activity 125
* Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 126
* Check Up On Your Telemarketers 128
* What Kind Of Product Or Service Lends Itself To Telemarketing? 130
* Qualify Your Telemarketing Prospects 130
* Don’t Telemarket To The Phone Book 130
* Set Up Mail Before Calling 131
* How To Hire Telemarketers 132
* Two-Tier Calling Can Qualify Interested Parties 132
* Keep The Telemarketers On The Phone 133
* Monitor What Telemarketers Say 133
* You Have About 30 Seconds To Appeal 134
* Learn To Ask Questions — It’s The Best Way To Sell 134
* A “Service” Call Is A Good Introduction 135
* Telemarketing Don’ts 136
* How To Use The Telephone 136
* When The Prospect Calls You 136
* How To Respond To A Prospect Who Writes 137
* Using The Telephone To Follow Up Leads 138
* Appraising Your Telephone Skills 142
* Using Predicates in Telemarketing 144
* A List of Predicate Words for Your Reference 144
* A List of Predicate Phrases for Your Reference 145
* Telephone Testing 147
* Telemarketing Follow-Up 147
* Examples Of Telemarketing In Action 148
* Press Releases and Telemarketing 156
Chapter Five: Develop A “Back-End” Of Products and Services
* Working the “Back-End” 197
* Explore Back-End Selling 198
* Make Conservative and Inexpensive Tests To Determine Your Market 200
* Building A Valuable Back-End 200
* Break Even on the Front-End 201
* Marketing Mistake: Not Having A “Back-End” 203
* Avoid the High Cost of Acquiring New Customers 204
* Be Pro-Active on Behalf of Your Customer’s Best Interests 205
* A Good Back End Makes a Good Business 207
* Lifetime Value and Marginal Net Worth 208
* The “Back-End” Must be Consistent with Your Primary Market 211
* Dramatically Improving What You Do 216
* Integrate “Back-End” Sales on an On-Going Basis 217
* Distribution is Leverage 218
Chapter Six: Direct Response Advertising
* What Is Direct Response Advertising? 221
* The ABC’s of Direct Marketing 222
* Why Use Direct Response Advertising 223
* The Giant Companies Use Direct Mail 224
* No Company Can Get By Without Advertising 224
* Advertising is Nothing More than Salesmanship 227
* Salesmanship in Print and/or Over the Air 228
* Advertising is Salesmanship 228
* Direct Response Sells Benefits 230
* People Care Most about What is Going to Benefit Them 230
* Direct Response as Opposed to Institutional Advertising 231
* Ads Should Be Created to Stimulate a Direct Response — Immediate Action 231
* Cut Back On Costly Institutional Advertising 232
* Use Direct-Response Advertising, Not Image Advertising 233
* Targeting Your Buyer – Your Platform 234
* For a Bull’s Eye, Use the Right Arrow 235
* Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition 236
* Use Your USP 237
* Choose Your Direct Marketing Media 237
* Direct Mail 239
* PI Advertising Can Make Sweet Deals For All 243
* Who Does Per-Inquiry Advertising? 244
* What Types of Media Allow Per-inquiry Advertising? 244
* Timing Your PI Offers 245
* Why Would An Advertising Medium 246
* Use Per-Inquiry Advertising? 246
* Bounce Back Advertising 248
* A Few Things For You To Know About Classified Ads 249
* How To Make Yellow Page Advertising Work For You 250
* Television Advertising’s Unique Features 251
* Are You Using Your Choice of Media Correctly? 252
* “Drip-Feeding” is Better Than One “Big Bang” 254
* Making A Deal 254
* How To Buy Media For Pennies On The Dollar 254
* How To Make Deals That Can Cut Your Advertising Cost 258
* Identify Your Market 259
* Your Lists and Markets 260
* Envelope or Carrier 261
* Your Teaser Envelope 261
* Headlines: Key to a Successful Ad 262
* Your Headline 263
* Writing Good Headlines That Pull 264
* How Many Words Should a Headline Contain? 265
* Power Words Produce Powerful Results 266
* Attraction of the Specific 266
* What Kind of Rewards Do Good Headlines Promise? 267
* Tips About a “Negative” Approach 267
* Putting Headlines To Work 268
* Headlines for “Broad Selection” USPs 270
* Headlines for “Service-Oriented” USPs 271
* Headlines for the “Snob Appeal” USP 271
* Tips On Headlines That Work Best 272
* The Primary Viewpoint — The “Point of You” 272
* Now, Let’s Write a Headline for Your Business 273
* Don’t Stop Now — The Fun Has Just Begun 274
* Stale News to the Advertiser May Be Fresh News to the Reader 275
* The Power of Emulation 275
* Power Headlines Produce Powerful Results 276
* A Sure-Fire System for Creating the Best Headlines for Your Client’s Ads 278
* Ways to Strengthen Your Headline Once You Have Your Basic Idea 278
* Headlines — the Most Important Element 280
* Find The Dominant Benefit — Make That Your Headline 281
* What Advertising Genius David Ogilvy Has to Say about Headlines 282
* Claude Hopkins Has This to Say About Headlines 284
* Who Needs A Good Headline? 284
* Effective Copy Made Easy 285
* Make The Reader A Guarantee 285
* Where Would You Be Without Your Customers? 286
* Put the Main Benefit in the Headline — Don’t Save It for Last 292
* Don’t Put A Question In The Headline 292
* Body Copy 298
* Your Opener 299
* Your Sell 300
* Think of Your Customers as Individuals 300
* Lead Your Customers To Buy 300
* Let Your Customer Try Your Product 301
* “Cheap” May Not Be Your Strongest Appeal 302
* Personalizing Can Help You Sell Product 303
* Avoid Diminishing the Value of Your Product 306
* Target Your Prospects Appropriately 307
* Don’t Brag — Just The Facts Please 307
* Be Specific 308
* Draw Your Claims From Your Foundation 309
* Say It First — Preemptive Marketing 309
* Tell A Story — Stories Appeal To Individuals 310
* Creating Great Copy 310
* A Proven Pattern for a Good Sales Pitch 311
* Effective Ads Can Run For Years 312
* Tell the Truth, But Make the Truth Fascinating 313
* People Will — And Do — Read Long Copy 314
* Every Advertisement Should Be A Complete Sales Pitch 314
* The Powerful Case 315
* Use Testimonials In Your Copy 316
* Channel and Direct “Desire for the Product” To You 317
* Sell The Benefits — The “Functional Product” — What It Does 318
* Satisfy the Market’s Desire By Underscoring Benefits 320
* Persuasion Techniques In Print 321
* The More You Tell, The More You Sell 322
* Promote What the Customer Really Wants 324
* Do You Even “Need” To Compete On Price? 327
* One Final Word On Price Cutting 328
* Follow These Body Copy Tips 328
* Credentialize Yourself 329
* Your Offer 330
* Emphasize Risk Reversal 331
* Now Close the Sale 331
* Testing is the Key to Successful Advertising 332
* Don’t Change It Because You Are Tired of It 334
* A Product Can Be Advertised Without Investment 334
* Use Advertising To Do Product Acceptance Research 335
* You Can Prove Advertising’s Effectiveness 336
* Test Your Method of Illustration and Layout 337
* Here’s How To Set Up Your Tests 338
* Testing “Small” Can Reduce Downside Risks 340
* Analyze Responses Carefully 342
* The Importance of Your Headline 343
* Don’t Forget to Test! 344
* Cutting Your Cost Per Sale 346
* A Few Steps To Maximizing Your Advertising 346
* Key-Coding 347
* Some Pointers on...Using Graphics To Sell 349
* The Bottom Line On Advertising Lies With Its Integrity 350
* Increase Your Lead And Inquiry Generation Through Advertising 351
* The Advantages and Disadvantages of Small Ads 352
* Ten Limitations of Small Ads 352
* Ten Advantages of Small Ads 353
* Print Advertising 357
* A Key Point To Remember About Direct Response 359
* Model On What Others Are Successfully Using 359
* How To Use Illustrations To Help Advertisements Sell 360
* Write Ads that Work 364
* Giving Up Too Soon On What Works 366
* Forgetting Who Your Customer Is 366
* A Grab Bag of Cautions, Encouragements and Details 367
* All-Time Great Gimmicks: 369
* Stop Spending a Lot of Money on Advertising; Use Cost-Effective Alternatives 369
* How to Save Advertising Dollars by Negotiating Per-Inquiry Deals with Media 370
* Don’t Waste Advertising Dollars 372
* Marginal Net Worth 373
* Why People Keep Doing What They Do 374
* Creative Emulation 378
* How To Write A PI Ad 381
* Getting PI Ads Placed 383
* Print Advertising 384
* Yellow Page Advertising 384
* Commission Advertising 384
* Producing Your Ad 386
* Other Essentials 386
* Launching a Mail-Order Division: 387
* How to Establish a Mail-Order Division 387
* Catalogs, Direct Mail Letters and Other Vehicles 388
* Headline Examples 389
* Headlines For Selling Financial Products and Services 400
* Headlines For Recruiting Purposes 402
* Headlines For Selling Subscriptions 403
* Headlines For Selling Books 404
* Headlines For Selling Personal Products 407
* Headlines For Selling Home Study Courses 409
* Headlines for Selling Business Services 411
* Letter Templates 413
* Direct Response Success Stories 415
* Set Your Own Standard 433
* Telemarketing 433
* Should You Undertake Telemarketing? 433
* Seven Keys to a Winning Sales Pitch 435